If you increase both the Width setting and the Height setting, you can adjust the position of the image in the shape by using the Offset options. In the following example, we selected a picture and then. Likewise, if the image is stretched so that it is wider than it should be, increase the Picture Position: Height setting. In the Insert Shapes group, click Merge Shapes and then select Intersect from the drop-down menu. Click the Crop option and, if your image is stretched so that everything is taller than it should be, increase the Picture Position: Width setting. To see this feature at work, choose Insert, Shapes and select a shapesay, the. If your image looks out of proportion inside the shape, select the shape, right-click it, and choose Format Shape. You can create an image embedded in nearly any kind of shape in Microsoft Word. You can also create your own custom shapes by using the Curve or Freeform tools and then fill them with images, too. From the Format tab, select Shape Fill, Picture select a picture to use and click Insert. Once you’ve selected the shape, the Drawing Tools tab appears. Hold the Shift key as you do this, to draw a perfect circle. To see this feature at work, choose Insert, Shapes and select a shape–say, the ellipse. Break images out of their square boxes.You can create an image embedded in nearly any kind of shape in Microsoft Word.